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Chesapeake Chapter

National Society Daughters of the American Revolution


The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR or DAR) is a non-political, non-profit, volunteer women's service organization dedicated to promoting patriotism, education, and historic preservation.

The DAR was founded in 1890 and headquartered in Washington, D.C. 
The members of the Chesapeake Chapter, NSDAR, reflect our diverse society today. 

The love of our country, the wish to honor our ancestors, and the

need to serve our community has further united us together. 


We have a community service-focused chapter

that also likes to have fun along the way.


We always welcome new members. 


Please Join Us 

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The content contained herein does not necessarily represent the position of the NSDAR.   Hyperlinks to other sites are not the responsibility of the NSDAR, the state organizations, or individual DAR chapters. 


Unless noted, images on this site are licensed under the CC attribution license. 

Photos and videos courtesy of Unsplash, Chesapeake Chapter, NSDAR

Last Updated September 2, 2021

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